Thursday, September
29, 2005
9.00 - 17.30
Complimentary for all registered participants and accompanying guests
(lunch included). Participation fee for this excursion for non-registered
people is Euro 70,00/person.
The 17th century Venaria
Royal Palace, designed in 1658 by Amedeo di Castellamonte
for the Duke Carlo Emanuele II, is dedi-cated to Diana,
the goddess of the hunt, and the Gallery of Diana, the Citronnerie,
the Stables and the Chapel of St. Umberto, all famous works
by Juvarra (1716-28), make up the so-called Turinese "Versailles".
It is a complex of extraordinary size (480,000 sqm) which
exists in symbiosis with the village and the surrounding
park. The Residence is currently being turned into a large
workyard for the restoration wanted by the Italian
Ministry of Cultural Resources and Affaires, and
by the Region of Piedmont, with funding from the European
Union. After restoration the complex will house a Museum
on Court Life and Civilization; it will also house a national
center for restoration and an exhibition area on the
history and culture of Europe and the Mediterranean.
The tour continues with the visit to
the Racconigi Castle. The last
palace of delights to be inhabited by the House of Savoy,
who entrusted its restoration to Guarini in 1676, the Racconigi
Castle was the favorite residence of King Carlo Alberto.
The King himself entrusted the renovation of its luxurious
apartments to the architect and interior designer Pelagio
Pelagi, who added the prestigious picture gallery and built
the Neo-Gothic complex of model farms,
the Margherie with chapel and attached green-houses. Strolling
along the paths of its magnificent park, the visitor will
be impressed by picturesque buildings, grottoes, ponds,
waterfalls and other romantic sights.
Both Venaria and Racconigi Palaces are locations
registered in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
IMPORTANT NOTE: as it is described above the Venaria
Royal Palace is under renovation which should be completed just
before the CIPA Symposium. If, on the contrary, restoration works
are not finished, this part of the technical excursion will be replaced
by a different program.